Hey there, welcome to my website!
My name is Sophia Mateo. I am 15 years old, I live in the Midwest currently and spend as much time as I can in New York. New York is my favorite city in the world and where I would like to go to college. I am very passionate about modeling. I have liked fashion since I was little. Such a creative outlet with all the different clothing fashions, makeup and hairstyles; the opportunities are endless. I am so lucky that I get to pursue it as a career.
Since I model, I get to travel which is something that I really enjoy doing. Experiencing different cultures, cuisines and all the natural beauties of the world is amazing.
Other hobbies I have include listening to music, I recently started learning how to play guitar. We have a bunch of instruments at our house, so when friends come over, we play. If Coffee were a hobby that would be high on the list! I do volunteer at a coffee shop, that is a non-for-profit and I learn a little more about coffee every time that I'm there. A good coffee shop is the first stop when I am out and about in different locations.
During the spring season, I'm jumping around at track and field.
That's a little about me!